Sign Up #
This screen allows you to create an account on DocXter by providing your basic information and setting up credentials. It is the initial step for gaining access to the platform’s features and services.

Social Sign Up #
This screen provides an alternative way for you to sign up by using their existing social media accounts. It streamlines the signup process and allows users to authenticate using their preferred social media platform.

Login #
This is the entry point for existing users to access their DocXter account. Users can enter their credentials (email/username and password) to log in and continue using the platform.

Social Login #
Similar to the Social Signup Screen, this screen allows users to log in using their social media accounts. It provides a convenient way for users to authenticate without having to enter their credentials manually.

Login Error #
This error is displayed when a user enters incorrect login credentials. It informs the user about the invalid credentials and may provide options to reset the password or retry entering the correct credentials.

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