OCR (Optical Character Recognition) opens up a dimension of possibilities for you, fellow knowledge explorers! Effortlessly extract text from a myriad of sources – from scanned documents and handwritten notes to complex PDF files and even ancient scrolls (pun intended 🤣).
The true abilities lie in the way DocXter’s OCR feature seamlessly integrates with the other captivating AI capabilities.
Whether you’re seeking to extract key insights from a detailed research paper or uncover the hidden meanings within a centuries-old manuscript, DocXter’s OCR technology works in sync with intelligent summarization, adaptive responses, and personalized interfaces.
This potent combination ensures that the knowledge you uncover is both accessible and impactful, enabling you to transcend the boundaries of traditional text-based analysis and unlock the full potential of knowledge sources in any format.
With OCR at your fingertips, you’ll find yourself embarking on a journey of discovery that knows no limits, venturing into realms of knowledge that were once inaccessible, and uncovering insights that have the power to shape our understanding of the world around us.
Embrace the future of boundless knowledge exploration, and let DocXter be your guide, your companion in unlocking the secrets hidden within every document, every image, and every piece of information that crosses your path.
Unstructured PDF #
DocXter transforms the way you engage with complex, information-rich knowledge sources, unlocking a realm of insights that were once hidden in plain sight.
The powerful analysis capabilities seamlessly integrate with other captivating features to uncover hidden trends in a market research report, dive deep into the intricate details of a technical white paper, or explore the interconnected concepts within a vast knowledge base.
DocXter’s intelligent summarization, adaptive responses, and personalized interfaces will work in harmony to ensure that the knowledge you uncover is both comprehensive and tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
With DocXter by your side, you’ll find yourself embarking on a journey of discovery that knows no limits, venturing into realms of knowledge that were once inaccessible, and uncovering insights that have the power to shape our understanding of the world around us.
Embrace the future of boundless knowledge exploration, and let DocXter be your guide, your companion in unlocking the secrets hidden within every document, every database, and every piece of information that crosses your path.
Together, we’ll redefine what it means to be a knowledge explorer, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and unlocking the true potential of human understanding
Handwritten Text #
Unlock insights that were once hidden in the swirling, organic (all puns intended 🫢🤣) strokes of the written word.
Effortlessly decipher the unique handwriting of individuals, extracting the rich tapestry of information that lies within.
Seamlessly integrate with the other captivating capabilities of DocXter. Whether you’re seeking insights hidden within a handwritten journal, or dive deep into the personal notes of a renowned scholar.
With Handwritten Text at your fingertips, delve into the realms of the personal and the historical with a renewed sense of wonder and discovery.
Scanned images/PDFs #
Get the AI powers to read scanned Images and PDFs, powering you to extract, analyze, and present the key insights contained within these visual mediums in a profoundly impactful way.
Whether you’re seeking to uncover hidden trends in a market analysis report or dive deep into the intricate details of an architectural blueprint.
DocXter’s intelligent summarization, adaptive responses, and personalized interfaces will work in sync to ensure the knowledge you uncover is comprehensive and tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
DocXter’s OCR – Must Know! #
The following is a list of set quotas in DocXter, which cannot be changed.
Limit | Description |
Accepted File Formats | OCR operations support file-embedded JPEG, PNG, PDF, and TIFF files. (JPEG 2000-encoded images within PDFs are supported). |
File Size and Page Count Limits | PDF and TIFF files have a limit of 3,000 pages. |
PDF Specific Limits | The maximum height and width is 40 inches and 2880 points. PDFs cannot be password protected. PDFs can contain JPEG 2000 formatted images. |
Document Rotation and Image Size | The maximum height and width are 40 inches and 2880 points. PDFs cannot be password protected. PDFs can contain JPEG 2000 formatted images. |
Query Specific Limits | DocXter supports up to 15 queries per page for synchronous operations and up to 30 queries per page for asynchronous operations. |
Text Alignment | The minimum height for text to be detected is 15 pixels. At 150 DPI, this would be the same as 8-point font. |
Languages | DocXter supports English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish text detection. DocXter will not return the language detected in its output. Query detection is only available in English document detection. |
Character Size | The minimum height for text to be detected is 15 pixels. At 150 DPI, this would be the same as an 8-point font. |
Character Type | DocXter supports both handwritten and printed character recognition. Handwritten character recognition is only supported in English. |
Characters | DocXter detects the following characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 ä Ä ö Ö ü Ü ç Ç é É â  ê Ê î Î ô Ô û Û à À è È ù Ù ë Ë ï Ï ü Ü á Á é É í Í ó Ó ú Ú ü Ü ñ Ñ ì Ì ò Ò ã à õ Õ ! ” # $ % ‘ & ( ) * + , – . / : ; = ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ > < ° € £ ¥ ₹ ß ẞ ¿ ¡ € £ ¥ ₹ ø Ø œ Œ © ® ™ § ¹ ² ³ ‘ |
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